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These Two Apps will Makes your Mobile Phone Smarterrr!


Hi guys! Today I’m gonna introduce two apps from the same company called ‘FLYPERINC’ who makes productivity applications for Android. These apps will helps you to achieve faster and to do responses more conveniently from your smartphone. Having that said, let's get down to details shall we? :D


Notifly will makes your default messenger and some other predefined apps to float. You may have gotten the similar experience from Facebook Messenger App, ‘chat heads’. We all loved it, didn’t we. What Notifly does is that display your default messages as a bubble like we have seen it on messenger chat heads. This will have the effect of screen overlay and you can do whatever work on background and you can simply click the bubble and read and reply without interrupting the background work. :D Isn’t that wonderful?

It’s partially customizable. Some apps haven’t integrated yet. Of course your favorite ‘Whatsapp’ is there. :D You can check the list of apps that works with Notifly from this link: Google PlayStore - Notifly.


What this app does is the same scenario to Browsers, when you clicked a link. When someone has sent you a link from an email or from a messenger, when you clicked that link will open your browser interrupting the current activity. But Flyperlink integrated to your phone, it will open separately as a bubble without interrupting the current activity. Isn’t that awesome too? If so, you can try them both and see how it treats you.


Well, these both apps aren’t perfect. There are things to be done to improve the quality of interaction with the app such as, Notifly needs the text size customization, Viber and other useful chat apps integration, and some other minor problems to be solved. But both apps has done a quite a good job by making it easier to access your messengers without even open it and goto links without leaving the current activity. Yeah, I love it so far and I hope you would too!

Links to both apps:

Until I meet you next time,

Happy Exploring ~ Adios Amigos!

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